
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Wanted: Stern, Busty Dominatrix for Recalcitrant Feline

This is from last Saturday, when the E's went with P to Stone Mountain and Daughter's fabrics in Berkeley. It was the first outing of a skirt inspired by some girls wander by mistake - part of the purpose of the outing was to find buttons for the skirt, which we did. (Pictures within the week!) I'll have some close-ups of the skirt's detailing later, as well. It was also inspired by the J. Peterman 'Out of Africa' skirt from years ago (before he went bankrupt!). That skirt was a true straight skirt, at the same length, so this a-line length is a lot easier to move in. Of course, one can always play the lady and hold up her skirts with the free hand.....

Here's a good pic of the skirt material i got on that trip - click through if you're curious. Japanese cotton with a great hand. I got tired of my watchband looking the same and wanted to tie it in with my outfit, so i wound a piece of eyelet lace around it. Good enough.

Outfit: own design, skirt inspired by some girls wander
Earrings : liliswan
Shoes: Clark's Passion


  1. Great outfit - I like the long a-line style of the skirt.

    Aw, such a cute kitty! What's his/her name?

  2. Hah! Good luck trying to play dominatrix to the Bouch. He knows what he wants and knows how to get it. Ahem, as I well know. 8-)
    That really is a great skirt - congrats, kiddo!
    Also, so sorry about your acorn earring, but v. glad you paired it with that fab salamander.
    Looking good!

  3. thanks!

    you've spotted 'the bouch'. he is known by many names - the poo, poo poo, bans-y boy ('bans' being italian slang for stomach), twinkleberry, kookoo-bear - pretty much whatever comes to mind. he's seventeen pounds and basically food focused - he goes to the neighbor's for brunch every day.

    i kept him in the photo because he looks so much like the George Booth cartoon cats....

    here's a little article on Mr. Booth with a classic cartoon - click on the cartoon to get a better view of it (and a classic cat)

    happy friday!!
