taming the savage beast |
In this second of my getaway tips posts, i'll show you a couple more outfits created out of the capsule wardrobe, my makeup kit and how i get it so compact, and reveal my secret to attractive yet functional travel knickers (that's 'panties' for you non-Brits). Unfortunately, my camera wigged a bit (i admit, it very likely was me wigging!) so i missed some outfit pictures. But i hope you enjoy these views of
Green Gables Inn!
green gables sitting area by the fireplace - original stained glass |
Again, the capsule consists of a skirt, one pair jeggings, two tunics, two tanks, a lace camisole, a cardigan, a jean jacket, and a leather jacket. One pair 'walking compatible' dress shoes, one pair hiking shoes. I've shown around six outfits in these two posts, but the possibilities are much greater - especially if you take along larger scarves that can 'double' as tops or skirts. While on my late-nite walk the other evening, i calculated that this capsule could yield around 20-24 different looks (not counting the power of accessories). My calculations included each individual top paired with skirt and jeggings, then adding in all various layering combinations (cardi over tank, tunic over cardi, jean jacket over cardi over tank, and so on).
napping in a window seat with a view of the ocean.....while wearing heels, of course. |
Of course, people's tastes and needs in clothing vary widely. You could take a pair of dress pants (wide legged silk trousers, lined wool pinstripes) instead of the skirt and take jeans or khakis instead of the jeggings. Skirts are so varied - gabardine pencil, floaty floral, khaki safari, mini denim cargo....it all depends on your taste, your itinerary, and the weather.
cardigan loosely buttoned over black lace cami for breakfast our last day |
If you're a big sweater fiend, switch out one of the tunics for another cardigan that you can wear as a top, buttoned up the back, or the traditional way over the other cardi, a tunic/blouse, or tank. You can switch out the tanks for tees (short or long sleeved). Just make certain that they are easy to layer in order to increase your possibilities. And bear in mind the casual/dressy scale. Tossing in a couple of pieces on the other end of the scale from the bulk of your items will
definitely increase your flexibility.
another view of green gables sitting and dining area and carousel horse |
On to Makeup!
The rest of this post focuses on makeup and underwear, so 'fashion-only' readers can stop right here! I pretty much wear makeup every day. Above you see what i take traveling. For day to day use i only add in a couple of bigger brushes, for powder and blush.
top compact (start at top left, then go clockwise): cream concealer, eyeshadow, face powder, blush
lower compact (start at top left, then go clockwise):shimmery pinkey-taupe shadow, sheer taupe shadow, ELF Moondust shadow (dark greyish shimmer), darker matte brown shadow
These ELF compacts are my 'big secret'. I'm not a huge fan of
ELF cosmetics (except for their Moondust eyeshadow), but these compacts and pans are a fantastic deal because you can clean out the pans and fill them with any powder or cream product you desire. (M.A.C. pans fit these compacts - i'm not sure if you have to put a magnet on the bottom).
They cost one dollar each, are nice and sturdy, and have a mirror big enough that you don't need to take another mirror along.
ELF also sells pop-in, magnetized pans with eyeshadows, blushes, etc. for one dollar each. You can use these ELF pans to re-fill with your own cosmetics.Or, as in the top compact, you can take out the insert and put in any size or shape of pan that's not too thick. The one drawback is that the compacts don't come with a liner to keep the mirror clean. But you can easily make one of an acetate sheet, paper protectors from a binder, parchment paper, etc.
they even have internet access, so i was able to keep up with all of you! |
Cream products are pretty straightforward - just use a small knife, spoon, etc. to fill you pan and smooth over the top. But, what i only found out a year ago, you can also re-press any pressed powder (not loose!) products you want. The basic process is to crush the powder, pack it into the alcohol-cleansed pan, put in a few drops of rubbing alcohol, and then press it down hard with a quarter wrapped in old tee shirt material soaked in rubbing alcohol. Let it dry, and you're good to go!
Of course i didn't think this up myself - i learned it by watching
this video by Kandee Johnson on YouTube. The one thing to remember is that this won't work with loose powders, as they don't contain a binder to hold it all together.
top row left to right: mascara (warm water removal), blush brush (doubles as powder on the road), lid brush, wash/blending brush, crease brush, liner/smudge brush, slant-edge brush (for brows and lining eyes), clear mascara, Prestige eyeliner, HB pencil (for brows). bottom row: poly-con with liquid foundation, carmex tin with gel primer
The other idea you can use to streamline your makeup is to focus on multi-use products and brushes. My foundation doubles as concealer and eyeshadow base, and can be mixed with moisturizer for a sheerer look. Sheer, mid-tone eyeshadows can be used as lid, contouring, or all-over shadows. Dark, matte brown shadows can be used to fill in brows, as contour, or as a sharp or smoky eyeliner (depending on application). Mascara that comes off with warm water or your regular cleanser means no need for makeup remover.
As you can guess, i get a lot more flexibility out of a few neutral shades and multiple brushes for my eyes than a bunch of different colors with only one or two brushes. And since i go light on powder and blush, i can get away with using the same brush for both (i wipe it briskly on a rough washcloth between the two). Take a look at every product in your routine with an eye to double-uses and see where you can pare down your own makeup bag.
The Grand Finale
We've all seen those horrifying
'around the world in one pair of undies' online or, even worse, in travel stores. Can you say bulky, unflattering, sucking all the fun out of being in some gorgeous international location? Talk about taking visible panty lines to a new level - these things are braille-compatible. Yuck!
If you want something cheerful, in a variety of colors and styles, tiny to pack and quick-drying, just look for nylon lace undies. You can find them at any price point (i've purchased well made ones for $4 each at Target). Just look at the fiber information and check for a cotton crotch. Nylon is soft and very very long-lasting, and nylon lace dries in an hour or two if you roll it in a towel first. I have ones from Victoria's Secret that i've used as everyday undies for around seven years that are in perfect shape.
per innkeeper Honey, once a month a letter arrives from a visitor saying that the profusion of teddy bears creeps them out. for goodness sakes, teddy bears? |
You'll be pleased to hear that that's all i'm going to say about
THAT. I hope you found this useful - please ask any questions and i'll do my best to answer. Hopefully you'll be able to go on a getaway trip of your own soon!
Maybe Vegas?