What am i looking at up there? No flippin' idea. I hit on the idea of wearing this jacket unbuttoned and tied with a scarf in a bow about two or three weeks before i started this blog. I'm pretty sure that Mr. E and i were headed out to Oakland International Airport to pick up my brother (and site sponsor) for a visit. I wore the grey ruffle skirt, these same shoes, and used
this scarf. If you're interested in doing something similar, you can keep the jacket closed with a little brooch or just a straight pin (the bow will cover it).
However, right after i hit on this brilliant style innovation.....the heat set in. It really wasn't cool enough to try that look again before now. As a rule, i tend to forget styling ideas i come up with....part of the inspiration for this blog, in fact. But i made an extra effort to nail this one into the old grey matter, and happily it took!

I don't know about you, but i like to look particularly snazzy when i'm headed to the dentist. Even just for a cleaning, like on this occasion. The last few years every visit means they discover another cavity or a tooth that needs to come out. This time it was just two small cavities (one an old filling that fell out) so that's not that bad. Plus i got some ideas on how to prevent more cavities, which i'm very motivated to try!

Maybe i was looking for the tooth fairy for grown-ups. You know, the one who welds your teeth into your head, covers them with invisible gleaming armor against all ills, and drops an extra thousand bucks on you if you need a crown.
The receptionist in my dentist's office is a very snazzy dresser herself. There are three sisters who work at the produce market who also rock it every time i see them (the owner's mom and her two sisters). I'm working up my nerve to ask some of these ladies if i can interview/photograph them for the blog. I know that
i'd get a lot out of it! And it's such a kick to have inspirational people in your own community, i like to let them know i appreciate their efforts.

I've taken to wearing my chain belt in a new way - i just clip the two ends together and let it dip down between the belt loops. And below you see my exciting new sale purchase - another pair of
Smartwool Socks! There were $10.83, down from the regular $17.95 or so. I'd been planning to keep an eye out for sale deals on these socks, in order to accumulate few for winter wear. These are an auspicious start!

Jacket, scarf, cargo pants: own design (pants inspired by
Style Underdog)
Shoes: Clark's Passion
SmartwoolBelt: Betsey Johnson
Jewelry: own design
I like the bow tying the jacket together, very nice. I also dress up for the dentist!